Welcome sisters, witches, and wise women.
Welcome LGBTQ+, non-binary, and gender fluid identified folx.
Welcome to the anxious, scared, and doubtful among us.
Welcome to those who feel unworthy, underserving, and unlovable.
Welcome to those doing their best to navigate this human journey.
All are welcome here.

I see you. I see your light and your dark. ALL of you is welcome here, every last bit.

I know the truth of your Divine worth and I will reflect it back to you always.


Amanda Joseph
The Worthiness Witch

I have dedicated the last nine years to transforming my fear to break through self-imposed limitations. My journey has included many facets, healing modalities, and multiple countries. All of the work involves unearthing feelings of unworthiness, wrapping them in love and releasing what no longer serves me. I am humbled in gratitude to share this with you, holding space for your inherent worth as you learn to hold and own it in your life.

Read my story

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