The more I dig, the more fear I uncover. Sometimes it’s buried deep and I don’t even realize the role it’s playing in my life.
The other day on Instagram, @manifestationbabe called me out (well, she called ALL of us out, but she was DEF talking to me!)
She called me out on letting fear play a part in my life, in getting in the way of moving forward. Well, shiiiit. She was totally right!
Fear can be an insidious foe, rearing its head as procrastination, doubt, inaction, and self-sabotage.
So, I wrote a short list of in my planner: 3 Thing I’m Scared Of. These 3 things relate to growing my business.
And, every day I do at least one. The first was texting someone I owe amends to. I wrote the text and hit send as fast as I could before I deleted it.
Then I emailed the owner of the retreat space in Cabo I’m renting to confirm the dates in April.
It can be terrifying to take action in pursuing our dreams. Mostly because the old “not enoughness” stories come up.
Honestly, each one was scary for only a minute. I felt a rush of relief and freedom as soon as I’d done it. I felt downright giddy!
So, now I am committed to doing something that scares me every day. Something that will move me closer to living a life beyond my wildest dreams.
I deserve it and so do you!
How do you face your fears? Comment below!