The G.A.M.E.
~ A group coaching experience ~

Do you…
Feel like you want more from life?
Wonder what your purpose is?
Have dreams that feel far away?
Desire to really trust yourself?
Want more meaningful connections?
The G.A.M.E. is designed for you!

If you were to meet me in 2025…
You’d meet a woman who knows who she truly is.
Who is grounded and feels at home in her body.
Who is in contact with her deep, inner wisdom, who listens to and trust her intuition.
Who consciously co-creates her dream life and teaches others how to do the same.
Who loves herself, her body and lives in a state of gratitude.
But it wasn’t always this way…
It took a lot of intention, energy and WORK!
But you know what made it easier?
Levity, humor, the support of a group and PLAY!
I want others to experience it too.
That’s why I developed The G.A.M.E.-
The Greater Alignment Magick Experiment.

~ Details ~

- The G.A.M.E. is an interactive group coaching experience for women. As with many things in life, the more you put into it, the more you’ll get out of it.
- It runs for 33 weeks: March 15, 2025- November 2, 2025.
- Every 4 weeks we will play with a new theme, including tapping into your intuition, working with your subconscious, knowing your body through cyclic sovereignty and more.
- The first and third week of each theme will be a group meeting exploring the theme deeper and will include hot seat coaching- a chance to volunteer for 1:1 coaching in a group setting- we all learn from each other.
- The second week will be a live breathwork session. The fourth week will be a Q & A session.
- A short audio (15-30 minutes) will be sent out each week for you to learn and explore if and how it applies to your life.
- We will meet weekly on zoom- yes, you will have lifetime access to the recordings!

4 Key Components to The G.A.M.E.
1. The Pace
8 months may seem like a long time to commit to something like this, no? But the truth is, 2025 is going to go by- we’ll blink and it’ll be the end of October, wondering how the time went so fast.
The G.A.M.E. is spread out in this way for two reasons. First, everything will be presented in bite-size chunks. We are busy people with full lives, so we need this to feel like manageable addition that we can say YES to. Second, the goal is to interact with the material presented- play around with it, try things out, see how they feel. Not just learn and understand something intellectually, but how does it feel to apply it to your life. In this way, we can embody new perspectives.
2. The Body
Everything we cover in The G.A.M.E. is meant to be brought out of your head and into your body. Your body is the vessel through which you experience ALL of life- the flowers you appreciate, the coffee you drink, the heartache, the joy, the laughter- everything is sensed, interpreted and felt by your body. We will form new ways of interacting with our bodies, experimenting with new ideas and playing with new concepts, literally embodying them. This one thing alone will change your life, but The G.A.M.E. offers so much more.
3. Play
Plato famously said, “You can learn more about a person through an hour of play than a year of conversation.” What if you applied that to YOU? How much can you learn about yourself through play? Through The G.A.M.E. you will not only learn more about yourself, but use this to shift into ways of being more aligned with how you really desire your life to be.
4. The Group
As you know, when women come together, energy is shared. As energy is shared, it expands, magnifying and amplifying what each of us as individuals could accomplish. The G.A.M.E. offers many ways to connect with the group- through group sessions, hot-seat coaching, accountabilibuddies and more. And if you know me, you know the caliber of women who are drawn into my circle..
The whole idea behind The G.A.M.E. is to play around with new ideas, perspectives and ways of being. It’s an experiment because as you play, you will find what works for you and what doesn’t. This is not a cookie cutter container, because YOU are are not a repeatable mold. You are uniquely you and in exploring and playing with the support of a group of women, you will learn to know and trust what is best for you.
Because this is the first time The G.A.M.E. is being offered…
This will be an intimate group experience, limited spaces available.
We’re creating this together! You will help shape and direct this experience.
The G.A.M.E. is responsive to you.

If you are ready to…
- Increase your self love,
- Improve your self image,
- Tap into your intuition,
- Tune into your body,
- Trust yourself to act in your best interest,
- Claim your worthiness and call in your heart’s desires, then