~ Winter Offerings 2024-25 ~

The G.A.M.E.
The Greater Alignment Magick Experiment
March- October 2025
The G.A.M.E. is our inaugural group coaching offering. Come learn, experiment and play in the support of a group of women while we each come into greater alignment with what we truly desire.
The G.A.M.E.Womenā€™s Full & Dark Moon Circles
We gather in circle on the Full and Dark Moons. Connecting to ourselves, our breath, our bodies and the ancient magick of women circling, these are powerful nights where we tap in and open to receive.
Winter Circle dates are: Dark Moons: 2.27 Full Moons: 3.13Ā Circles are alignment pricing:
$23.33, $25.55, $27.77
3.13.25 Full Moon